Maison L’Arc-en-Ciel- Poultry Possibilities
Maison L’Arc-en-Ciel started their journey to self-sustainability in June of 2013, when the first round of chicks was delivered to the empty coop, which constructed in hopes of reducing the cost of food for the orphanage. After realizing the potential to raise more chickens than the residents of MAEC could possible consume themselves, and Danielle made the decision they would educate the teenagers on how to properly butcher the animals, package them according and sell the entirety of the excess meat to local restaurants, hotels, and grocer chains. This profit would be reintegrated into expanding the chicken project and other sustainability-based ventures at Maison L’Arc-en-Ciel
Currently, there is a single coop on the property which holds approximately 600 chickens, who arrive as chicks and in 45 days are grown to Haitian standards, slaughtered and packaged in an on-site facility, and sold each cycle to local vendors at competitive prices relative to the market. While this venture currently has very low margins, by building two additional larger coops, we can cut our 45 day cycle in three sub-cycles, and produce four times almost as many chickens as the current timeframe. By doing this, in addition to producing our own feed at the orphanage, we can cut the cost of production of poultry by over 40%. The orphanage has budgeted 300 person-days per year for each of the two new coops, and the older children will have first priority to operating the poultry project and will receive proper agricultural education as to ensure each of the operations of the project run smoothly. By the second year after constructing the coops, the chicken project will be running at full capacity and has projected revenues of over $80,000 USD annually, contributing greatly to the projected annual 40,000 profit of the project in its entirety.
By assembling our expertise in the Renewable Now network and executing the business plan in place, we can help create a more sustainable Maison L’Arc-en-Ciel, providing an opportunity for education for the residents and staff and increase their overall quality of life.
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